Abortion Clinic Johannesburg

Abortion Clinic Johannesburg is a legal women’s clinic providing safe termination of pregnancy services at affordable prices starting from 00. We are a well established center founded in 2000 and is being managed by an accredited doctor in reproductive healthcare.


abortion clinic johannesburg

abortion clinic johannesburg doctor


Our staff  know that an unplanned pregnancy can be stressful and having an abortion raises a lot of questions. No matter how hard it might be for you, never choose to buy pills from an illegal abortion provider.



We are here to assist you make proper decisions about your body hence operating 

Monday – Sunday,

8am till 7pm. 


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Procedure at Abortion Clinic Johannesburg 


On arrival counselling is provided because it will help you express your feelings and make proper decision before we perform any termination of pregnancy procedure


Pregnancy tests provided free of charge and sonar is available at R300



Types of Abortion Offered


We offer two types of procedures.


The Pill ( Medical Abortion )


This type of procedure is when two abortion pills are used to end the pregnancy. The first pill stops the female hormone progesterone. Without progesterone a pregnancy can not survive. 


After a few hours another set of tablets will also be swallowed. These tablets will soften the lining of the cervix and shed of the uterus leading some abdominal pains




Hence causing some bleeding like clots within a period of three to four hours.


Surgical Abortion


Surgical procedure also know as aspiration is when an injection for pain (sedation) is used. while lying down a speculum is inserted to open your vagina wide open.


A local anesthetic will be inserted into your cervix to numb it then surgical instruments with handles for holding the cervix in place for easier dilation  by absorbent rods. When done a suction is then inserted to take out the fetus and placenta. 


Both procedures are performed by qualified doctor and free womb cleaning plus antibiotics are provided for each patient. 


Why Choose Our Clinic in Johannesburg


Abortion Clinic Johannesburg is a registered and recognised women’s clinic that values it patients.


We only use medically approved equipment during terminations.


Womb cleaning id free of charge


Clinic opens Monday to Sunday

8am – 6pm.


Our abortion prices are affordable starting from R499.


Book now and get 10% off

Click here:- https://www.abortionclinicjhb.co.za/contact-form/


After care


You should expect pregnancy symptoms  to disappear with three days.


Please avoid engaging yourself in any strenuous physical activity, get plenty of rest, eat nutritious food that will help your body heal quickly.




No hot bath tubs

No sex till your are fully healed.


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